From RZR to RZ: An original customer story

We recently received a great story from one of our original customers: 

Several years ago, shortly after the RZR Mask was introduced, Mike and Bonnie ordered our original RZR Masks for group riding in Arizona for dusty weather where it was very difficult to breathe.

They hadn’t needed the masks for several years now as their riding has changed, but they found a new need for the mask for Bonnie, as club members of their local Cowboy Fast Draw Association.

Mike shared his kind words and experience with us:

“Bonnie (my wife) said the mask worked perfectly last night, she was able to breathe as normal with no aggravation to her asthma at all. She was very pleased with the results although she did get a little ribbing from a couple of fellow shooters for being a masked bandit. She is absolutely thrilled about being able to stay in the shooting barn and be able to breathe normally through the entire practice session. We had a match last month in the same barn and Bonnie was unable to be in the barn for more than a few minutes [without a mask]. She sat in her truck from about 10am until about 1:30pm when I finished the competition… 

She will now be able to compete at the monthly matches - she's thrilled. You guys have made her day!” They are looking forward to receiving their order of a new mask and filters (our neoprene M1 Silver RZ Mask) for Bonnie to continue practicing in dusty barn conditions at their CFDA practices and matches.

Special thanks to Mike and Bonnie for sharing their story! We are grateful to our loyal customers, especially those that have been with us since our founding.

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