6 shop projects to do together this holiday season

The holiday season, while hectic, is the perfect time to connect with family and friends. Once shopping is out of the way and your tape dispenser is all but exhausted from wrapping, we think taking the time to a different kind of ‘shopping’ is an opportunity to combine quality time with your DIY/woodworking passions.

We’ve rounded up a few examples to do together during the holiday season:

#1: Birdhouse

Image: Skip to My Lou

A birdhouse is a simple DIY project that’s perfect for completing with those who might be closer to a beginner level. It’s also a great feature for your yard, as many kinds of non-migratory birds may be looking for shelter as the temperature gauge begins to dip. 

Source: https://www.skiptomylou.org/diy-birdhouse/ 


#2: Wooden spoons


Image: Woodworkers Journal

What’s not to love about a project like this? Carving out new utensils will also compliment your kitchen perfectly while you’re preparing holiday meals.

Source: https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/how-to-carve-wooden-spoon/


Image: RZ Mask customer contest submission


#3: Family pallet sign


Image: The DIY Playbook

Whether you’re looking to accent your home to receive guests or are looking for a homemade gift idea, a family pallet sign is one project that will provide plenty of involvement for helpers in the shop.

Source: https://thediyplaybook.com/2013/06/creating-pallet-sign.html


#4: Farmhouse-style serving tray


Image: Pretty Handy Girl

Another great supplement to those hosting relatives or friends over the holiday season – you’ll have this handy tool on hand for sharing snacks or beverages around the house.

Source: https://www.prettyhandygirl.com/diy-farmhouse-style-serving-tray/


#5: Bookshelves


Image: Woodshop Diaries

Building a bookshelf together creates lasting memories. A great accent piece for your living room or a quick tool for organizing knickknacks in just about any other room, a bookshelf is another project for various levels of experience.

Source: https://www.woodshopdiaries.com/simple-modern-diy-bookshelf/



Image: Collective Gen 

Source: https://collectivegen.com/2014/10/diy-ladder-shelves/ 


#6: Wooden sign ornaments

Image: The Turquoise Home

Making a few ornaments together is a simple way to add to a tree or around the house over the holidays.

Source: https://theturquoisehome.com/mini-wooden-christmas-sign-ornaments/


No matter what kind of projects you’re putting together though for all the fearless families and friends out there, we’ve got you covered!


Note: Please exercise caution and supervision for those who may not be very familiar with the shop and dangers involved in the use of power tools. 

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